Monday, October 25, 2010



Another good weekend for numbers, numerous does taken. Last week we posted a couple of pictures of does taken but I did not list who all took what so I am going to list all the deer taken since opening weekend and two that were shot late on Sunday the 10Th. We have Spencer Holtquist, Bruce Kubicer taking does on Sunday the 1o th. Then opening weekend Ron Meckler, Tyler Biehl, Robby Williams, Rocky Reed, John Vaughan, Kegan Moody, Eric Queen, David Presnell, and Parker Hobbs all taking does on opening weekend. During the week Mathew Brown took two does, Larry Gardner, and Marvin Walden shooting does during the week. Now we are caught up, this last weekend Sherri Pasternak, Jessica Holtquist, Mason Johnson, Kyle Bates, Rocky Reed, Hunter Mixon, Sherri Pasternack (2ND doe), Gene Brown, Jessie Harness and Shane Harness (two does) all shot does. So in short we are up to 35 deer overall taken now, slow start but making way now. The pictures above are of Hunter and Jessie with there deer taken this weekend and below is what we took this weekend. I don't care who you are that is a trophy rat anywhere, my daughter would not let us kill it so we had to take it for a ride and turn it loose. That is the same one that outsmarted my wife all last weekend. We look forward to seeing some 4 1/2 year old bucks coming in this next weekend. Keep in mind let those young bucks walk they are fun to watch and we have been doing this long enough to let those walk. That is the most important component to trophy management is letting those walk, how can you get bigger deer if you shoot them before their prime. Keep taking the does , we have done good so far on the buttons, there are more than enough does so take your time and check them for buttons. Everyone make sure you fill out the milk portion on the deer log, that is important. We are putting up a trash can over at the shooting range so after you are done please pick up all you trash including your targets and dispose of them in the trash. It will be Halloween weekend hope to see ya at the woods.

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